Mid Atlantic Coast Squadron

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wooden Sunfish Zip Bridle, Bow Line and Daggerboard Retainer Upgrade

Working on the bridle. 3 loop bridle was a near capsize disaster.

From Small Boat Restoration

Cut a line just a bit longer than the stern is wide, leave excess for figure eights or stop knots.

From Small Boat Restoration

We like to use clip mainsheet to a block, it seems to glide easier.
From Small Boat Restoration

Made a bow line so Zip doesn't get loose at the saloon.

From Small Boat Restoration

Added a daggerboard retainer line,clip and eyestrap, don't want to be chasing that if there is a capsize.

From Small Boat Restoration

2nd day of Summer comes to a glorious end.

From Small Boat Restoration

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