Mid Atlantic Coast Squadron

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

1982 AMF Sunfish PHOENIX 28 Dec 20 Jigsaw Puzzle Time

 28 Dec 20:

WAVE is primed and awaiting hull paint, her TotalBoat Wet Edge BleGlo White is on a UPS truck headed down from Bristol, RI. Along with some Gray Topside Primer for the deck. So we spent the day fiddling with PHOENIX, hoisted her off of the Dynamic Dolly and swapped WAVE onto the Dynamic.

We forgot that PHOENIX needs a chine repair, we'll put in a blind patch and then build up the repair area.

Might see if we have any new old Sunfish stickers hanging around...

Removed the bow trim by drilling out trim rivets with a 1/8th inch metal drill bit, carefull to not drill through the bottom edge of the trim.

We had already trimmed the broken bits off of the deck with a jigsaw, regular wood blade worked fine.

The "plank" was fractured up by the number 2, that comes in handy...keep reading...

Our friend Tom manages a fleet of Yacht Club Sunfish out by Lake Norman, several of them beyond economical repair. He sent us the nose and hardware off of one of the boats, let's call her NORMAN. We split the deck from the hull, took off PHOENIX's bow handle and aligned NORMAN's deck with PHOENIX's deck, clamped in place. 

I was standing there thinking, if I could just reach inside and trace a cut line...wait, I can reach inside through the plank flap! Traced the cut line with a calibrated black Sharpie. Before I could do that, though, I trimmed off some of the old foam and the bow handle backer block hanger with the DeWalt oscillating multitool, oddly satisfying.

Another bit that we trimmed from NORMAN was the deck edge flange, to replace PHOENIX's missing flange.

Flange and deck clamped in place.

Trimmed off high spots of the seam with the multitool, that leaves a tiny gap for the thickened epoxy to fill.

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