Mid Atlantic Coast Squadron

Monday, May 6, 2019

1963 Alcort Sunfish CHIP 06 May 19 New Bottom Panels THIXO

06 May 19:

Trimmed edges of bottom panels. Attached with TotalBoat THIXO dispensed from a High Thrust caulk gun. Marked nailing lines and nailed with 3/4 inch silicone bronze ring shank nails.

Removed centering strip before adhesive dried and installed keel strip with THIXO and silicone bronze wood screws.

Cleaned excess epoxy with a paint stir stick.

Used marking jig to mark pilot holes for the silicone bronze ring shank nails.

Laid out the panels for the best fit, put on some alignment marks, then flipped them over to apply the THIXO.

Scarf joint 8:1, 2 inch offset on 1/4 inch plywood.

Rolled on a coat of TotalBoat Topside Primer.

Log of CHIP.

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