Saturday, December 5, 2020

Piered Out!

 05 Dec 20:

Cut planks for the last bit of our pier, replacements for what went MIA during Hurricane Sally. We needed new planks anyway, so thanks Sally!

Picture of the inside of my pocket.

Skipper's Gorilla Carts and our cordless tools made this project a lot easier.

Got my steps in. Note the one section of pier that we replaced this Spring, Hurricane Sally left that alone. Guess she thought we needed to replace the rest.

Next up, the rest of the deck.

Final tally is in, includes the ramp that starts in the yard. 257' 6". 515 planks x 6 screws each. 

Mind The Cone.

Problems in Production. The pier planking and decking are sqaure, but the pilings are not. This befuddled me for a while until Skipper reminded me of that historical fact, when we finish there will be a short section of deck out past the far piling vs being flush like the close piling. She can sit there to taunt wildlife.

Once the deck is down we can finally retrieve the remnants of the flag the Hurricane Sally shredded. It is snagged on pier hardware. We will reunite it with the other bits that we were able to rescue back in September, probably frame it as a memento.

Stay tuned for more exciting news for Galloping Horse Marine Construction!

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