Monday, February 24, 2025

1971 O'Day Day Sailer II CYANE Spring Cleaning

23 Feb 25:

 Spring cleaning for CYANE. Skipper wanted to get the snow off of CYANE so she pressed WILEY into service to pull the trailer around to the wash rack. 

A few days earlier we had near record snowfall, 8 inches at our place.

After a few days there was still quite a pile of snow on the boat. The good news is CYANE is parked in a sheltered spot,  but the spot does not get enough sun during times of the year when sun is desired to dry things out a bit.

The first small victory was knowing where the key for the hitch lock was, right where we thought it would be.

We towed CYANE to Virginia in 2021 on 4 year old tires...and she sat. The code 2517 is the WWYY Week Year that the tire was made, so sometime July 2017ish. While the tire looks okay, there are microfissures all over it and 6 years is the recommended life. So time for new tires.

Skipper makes it look fun... was like an archeological dig...

...and I got to finish.

Foredeck cleaned off, now to see what is under the tarp.

Gear that we pulled out of the cuddy, including a ten year old fire extinguisher. The age limit in Virginia is 12 years, so as long as the pressure gauge reads good, it has two more years. The gear was damp but not mildewed.

Meanwhile in the Sunfish Shack everything was dusty but dry.

Skipper lodged a complaint that her wagons were full of other people's junk, so I cleaned out two of them. And put a new tire on a Gorilla Cart. I need to find a better spot for the electrical cords, which are for use with the generator if we have a power outage. We keep them handy because we are still traumatized from living in Florida and Hurricane season.

There is a 19 foot Drascombe Lugger in here somewhere. It is actually mostly ready to roll if we move some cardboard and boat cover. But we'll check her out soon, because Webb told us that gear multiplies in the dark.

CYANE scrubs up real nice. She needs to d an afternoon of Yard Sailing and then she'll be ready for a Spring Fling.

Outlaw Trailer Court, Inc. We are trying something new with the safety cones, suggested by Ben.

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