22 Feb 24:
We took ST. JACQUES out to be the photo ship for a Small Boats Nation article on a push pole duck bill attachment, she had a good time mucking about in the reeds. Skipper took the photos and I rowed for a little bit.
We're in about 12 inches of water here, ST. JACQUES needs 8 with her centerboard and rudder up.
Henning, the mariner who previously owned the 12 foot push pole, marked the pole with tape, starting around 3 feet or so. There is a yellow mark around 3 feet and another at about 5 1/2 feet. Our guess is the lower yellow mark indicated enough clearance for Henning's keel boat the top yellow mark could be for when the water was over his head...that's how we would have marked it. Henning used the pole as needed to get his boat in and out of the tidal creek behind his home.
Our Ford Edge ST SUPER SANDY got the tow vehicle honors.
Back at the Shack, telling Sea Stories to the rest of the Armada.