Tuesday, March 21, 2023


21 Mar 23:

Spirits. No Webb, not those kind. We believe there is a Great Spirit that we move around inside of. The Spirit goes by many names depending on which part of the planet you are on, and which group is monetizing the concept. As we study indigenous culture in our area, we are drawn to one spot of farmland. It was most likely First People farmland, aka Indian Land, although it is nowhere near the Indies. Indigenous farmland was prized by English adventurers in the early 16th Century, as it was already cleared by the Warrasquoyack natives and ready for planting.  Here's a shot during the day.

Here's the same spot at night. during the Bear moon, taken with an iphone.  Hard to explain what's going on here, especially the little orb off to the right over the treeline.

Maybe we'll tell you about the ghost deer soon....But only 3 of 3 people in the car saw it at the exact same time, so maybe it was marsh gas :)

In other news, Skipper got a new paddle, beaver tail blade, functional art imitating nature. We hope to try it out soon.

Bama pi (see you later)
Clark and Skipper

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