Friday, June 14, 2024

Alcort Catfish SMEDLEY Hull Repair

14 Jun 24:

Worked on repairing our Catfish hull...but first we needed to get rid of some grape plants that were infested with Japanese Beetles...

The end goal is to put in a backer patch, so that we can rebuild the hull where the hole was punched.

We are using THIXO PRO thickened epoxy adhesive to wet out a piece of woven roving. The roving is on a stiff piece of cardboard, so that we can insert the patch inside the hull then pull it snug against the inside of the hull with strings tied through the cardboard. 

We also removed the flower bed border stones and replaced it with step stones, fewer things to negotiate when gettin on and off of the deck. 

Beetles B Gone and new border taking shape.

Graphic Catfish Guts Warning: View at your own risk: 

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