Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Sailstice 2024

20 Jun 24:

Skipper decreed that we take a boat out for the "Summer Sailstice." We also needed a boat for a background for a photo shoot with a paddle. So we loaded up the Alcort Sunfish WAVE and Grumman 17 SCOUT and headed to Warraskoyack Bay (now known as Burwell Bay). 

Not much wind but Skipper knows how to coax just enough from the wind spirits to get moving. It was forecast to be in the mid 90s, so we headed out early to get some boating in and beat the heat.

Skipper was sailing sideways at one point. But the light breeze made for easy paddling.

SCOUT posing with a Shaw & Tenney spruce paddle and the new spare Paddle Pump, which is a combination paddle and pump. Check out our review in the July issue of Small Boats Nation.

Wet boat shoes drying in the sun after a fun day on the water make us happy.

We got to update the Marine Traffic Control Board, this was SCOUT's first outing since we moved to Virginia, and also a homecoming. We bought SCOUT in Florida, and she came with Virginia registration numbers, so she's back in her old waters. 

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