Monday, January 21, 2019

1963 Alcort Sunfish CHIP 21 Jan 19 Frame Patterns

21 Jan 19:

Laid out the tape patterns on plywood, cross checked measurements and traced the edges.

The red X areas are where stringers and longerons are placed, those areas will be cut out.

Tried the pointy stick method next. It worked pretty good. Best method would be to use hot glue per Scott's suggestion, but I wanted to be able to reuse the sticks, 7 more frame patterns to go.

We took measurements a while back, and we are checking them against the patterns. For example, we measured the width of the frame in the boat as 3-5-6, decoded as 3 feet, 5 inches and 6 eighths. Then we checked the pattern to see if it was close. It was, so we proceeded. Where anything was off than more than a 16th of an inch we resolved the difference, sometimes the measurement was off, sometimes the pattern, sometimes both a little. The reality is that the frame does not have to be perfect, what is used to fair up the lines are the cleats that the sides, top and bottom are screwed to. Those can be moved in and out a bit, in fact we don't want the frames tight against the inside of the structure so that water doesn't get trapped in a compartment.

Nice sunset tonight.

Log of CHIP.

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